Tuesday, February 2, 2010

the second month

February is a short month. Always. Even though, by definition of the month itself, it must be at least 28 days long, it never seems to feel like it. The beginning is always a mixture of "oh, I can't believe it's February already" and "I'm just getting used to writing 2010 on my papers/checks/etc...".

And then you hit the end of the second week and it's everyone's favorite holiday. Wait, amend that, some people's favorite holiday, and the holiday that makes everyone else want to cry and run into a hole and not come out until March, when all the cute dating couples that are bitten by the love bug in this month either get over each other or break up. (Do I sound bitter? I may be one of those running and hiding people :).

No, it's really not that bad. I actually really like Valentine's Day. Alot. (True story, I probably would like it better if anything remotely romantic ever happened to me on that day, but ah well, such is life.) I love making valentines for all my friends, baking heart shaped cookies, wearing as much red and pink as I can possibly put on my body...(ooh, we're gonna have to figure that out here with all the gang color issues...that might be all sorts of fun.)

Last year, Valentine's Day came at an interesting point in my life. Anthony had just left Bethel two weeks before, and I was feeling, well, pretty fucking depressed. And my friend Chris Broughton came to my rescue. I'm not sure what Erin was doing that she wasn't going on a date with him, but he took me out to Corina's, we played cards in the back room while waiting for our food, and talked about life. And it was a very different Valentine's Day. There was no lamenting that I didn't have a date, no groups of girls complaining about boys, it was just me and my friend Chris, eating dinner together, playing rummy, and laughing at the back storage room with the one table where those folks at Corina's stuck us because it was probably the warmest place in the resturant. Good memories... Things here on the east coast are different. That definitely wouldn't fly over here.

So, this year, I will be engaging in the usual JV debauchery that happens on all major holidays when JVs get together and someone else pays for the beer (this Valentine's Day, that "someone" is the Camden house.) I will drink to my heart's content, probably get in a group of girls complaining about boys (I mean, let's be honest here) and have a ball. Different, but still good. I am planning on still making valentines for all the houses, and probably baked goods as well (you can take a girl to Camden, but she will still bake a million things and bring them with her). I'm looking forward to it.

And then, two more weeks, a mere 10 days of work, and it's all over. February, that is, will be all over.

...as quickly as it started.

love, Bethy

1 comment:

  1. Bethy, I can write you a fun Valentine's Day poem! :-) I force my students to say something nice to each other on Valentine's Day because there's always so much drama in high school on that day--everybody needs to hear something good.

    I tried calling you, but you never answer! When is a good time to drop you a line, and is it the same number as the last time I called you (with Colleen)?

    Love you oodles,

