Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"Wake up, wake up, wake up...

...it's the first of tha month."

Kudos to everyone who correctly identified the title of the post as Bone Thugs lyrics. Bonus points to anyone who sang them in their head.

Yeah, it’s the blog about New Year’s. I know it’s 26 days late, but hey, it’s still January, right? Right. I probably should have made one of my New Year’s Resolutions to be keep up the blog, but I didn’t. I made 11 other ones, though, some of which I completed right away, some of which I’m still working on actively, some of which I have doubts that they will ever be completed. I figured if I made a lot of them, then I had a higher chance of at least fulfilling one. I won’t list them all here – some were only posted in my journal for a reason – but the list does include:
Exercise at least 2 hours a week
Write in my journal everyday
Take the GRE and apply for grad school
Be kinder to my housemates
Play more music/meditate more

I don’t even think I put in the one about keeping my room clean, which is a usual staple for me. I figure if I couldn’t keep it for the last 7 or 8 New Years’, then why try again only to fail? I know, I’m so optimistic about it. J

I actually have been exercising – that goal changed from 2 hours a week to 5 or 6 miles a week – and I’m doing it. I also vowed to be pescatarian (eats fish and seafood) for the month of January. After a small bump on January 1st, when halfway into a piece of fried chicken, I remembered that resolution, I haven’t eaten meat at all for the last 25 days. I pretty much did it just to see if I could, and it’s been a cool experiment.

I did spend New Year’s in New York. Harlem, to be exact. And it was pretty great. We were at the girl’s house, and I flew in on the 31st to JFK, went straight there, and the party started soon after. I was jet lagged and exhausted, but still found it within myself to party like a rock star (would you expect anything else?). I was especially proud of my outfit: a Lisa Whalen design tie-dye t-shirt, dark skinny jeans from Conway, and a pair of incredible highlighter yellow stilettos that Lisa got for me at a garage sale in Bethel. Pretty amazing. This is the best picture I have of my whole outfit. Alex and I, of course, participated whole-heartedly in any shotgunning that was going down. Newark, represent!

There was, of course, a flipcup tourney. Results are debated heatedly, but I maintain that the girl team won (as we always do) because the only time when the boy team started beating us was when a few girls joined their team. Here’s the girl team, and Brian, who just wants to be a winner even though he was on the other team…

Also, we participated in dancing, singing, and general debauchery (also as usual), and I do believe that this picture pretty much captures the enthusiasm of the crowd. (What song was playing, you ask, when this was snapped? Hmmm…got me. I feel like probably either something Beyonce or Empire State of Mind, based on my open mouth, indicative of me belting out some song that I love.)

…and yes, there WAS a costume change involved that night. Same jeans, different shirt. Hey – the other one was getting pretty warm.

All in all, it was a FANTASTIC night. And then we stayed in NY for the next night too, and I rang in 2010 with great food, great friends, in a wonderful city. On the 2nd, it was back to Newark to get ready for work on the 4th, and back to regularly scheduled life. But I think that 2010 was probably the best New Year’s so far (though I do realize the tendency to think that the most recent one is always the best.)

Blog about Re-O coming soon! I’mma get on it!

Love, Bethy

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