Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Real Quick

I have lots to tell, but not a lot of time right now. But I have been pestered by some people to let them know how I'm doing.

The answer is that I'm doing well.

After a long orientation at Blue Ridge Summit, PA, my new housemates and I drove to Newark, and moved into our new house. We all got our own rooms, and the house is pretty amazing. The Newark JV house has never moved, and is the house that has been on the East Coast for the longest amount of time. So, quite a few people have lived and loved this house. And it's apparent as soon as you walk in the door. It's not just a house, it's a home. And it's our new home.

As a matter of fact, it's our VERY HOT home, as the weather here is pretty unbearably hot and sticky. The fact that three weeks ago, I was still in Alaska has never felt so sad in my life. I've already pronounced myself Queen of the Ice Cube Trays...

I have my own room, and my very large Irish flag is up, as well as the Traveling Jesus. I was blasting K'naan earlier today while getting ready to do a dry run on getting to work using the NJ Transit busses. (They're air conditioned...YES!)

That's all for now. I know it's not much detail, but I need to keep unpacking my suitcase, and get everything away. They'll be plenty of time to tell everything else.

Love, Bethy

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